Professional Skills

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Time management 101: Or how to plan your time when you have no time

You might have seen that Venn diagram meme, you know, the one where it tells you to pick two: study or sleep or a social life. Often uni can feel like that. There’s so many things to juggle- assignments, exams, classes, readings, sleep and social engagements – it can feel like you have to shaft […]

Time management 101: Or how to plan your time when you have no time Read More »

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Professional skills – The small ones (+ putting it into practice!)

Welcome to the second blog post of our ‘opt-in’ series! During semester 2 of 2020, FPSA has been running a series of professional development sessions for students in the PSYC1102 class. We intend these blog posts to complement these sessions by providing an ‘in writing’ version of the content and expanding on some topics we

Professional skills – The small ones (+ putting it into practice!) Read More »

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